1801 | Outlooks on Pest Management | 18 | Y | Null |
1802 | Paddy and Water Environment | 61 | X | Honorable Mention |
1803 | Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research | 15 | Y | Null |
1804 | Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences | 30 | X | Null |
1805 | Pakistan Journal of Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering and Veterinary Sciences | - | Y | Null |
1806 | Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences | 20 | Y | Null |
1807 | Pakistan Journal of Botany | 45 | X | Clay |
1808 | Pakistan Journal of Life and Social Sciences | 8 | Y | Null |
1809 | Pakistan Journal of Nematology | 7 | Y | Null |
1810 | Pakistan Journal of Phytopathology | 11 | Y | Null |
1811 | Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research Series B: Biological Sciences | 5 | Y | Null |
1812 | Pakistan Journal of Weed Science Research | - | Y | Null |
1813 | Pakistan Journal of Zoology | 29 | X | Null |
1814 | Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments | 58 | X | Honorable Mention |
1815 | Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology | 88 | W | Gold |
1816 | Palaeontology | 82 | W | Silver |
1817 | Palaeoworld | 63 | W | Honorable Mention |
1818 | Palaios | 60 | X | Honorable Mention |
1819 | PaleoAmerica | 32 | X | Null |
1820 | Paleobiology | 81 | W | Silver |